Influence of Child's Fitness on 7-8 Years Children Physical Condition


  • Viktoriia Kyrychenko Національний університет фізичного виховання і спорту України
  • Oleksiy Sadovskiy Національний університет фізичного виховання і спорту України
  • Oksana Khurtenko Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University


children's fitness, primary school students, physical condition, motor qualitieschildren's fitness, primary school students, physical condition, motor qualities


Relevance of the research topic. The current school education system requires a lot of effort from schoolchildren. School studying is characterized by intensification processes. According to this fact, kids must spend a lot of time with their studies. As a result, they haven’t enough of time to leisure activity. Besides, the globalization and urbanization processes didn’t help them to have motor activity. Today every pupil has a smartphone and spends an average of seven hours per day that he or she could devote to outdoor activities. Particularly worrying is the health of younger students. There are a lot of reasons for find the ways to organize motor activity with this age group and one of the main of them is to prevent hypodynamia and its negative consequences. The purpose of the study is to investigate the effect of kid’s fitness on the physical condition of girls 7-8 years old. Research methods: theoretical and empirical methods, methods of mathematical statistics. Research results. The article deals with the issues of organization of motor activity of health orientation. The authors analyze the incidence of schoolchildren before and during schooling. It is noted that non- traditional forms of physical activity, one of which is kid's fitness, are effective today. Conclusions. Regular training with using on kid's fitness is a main reason for harmonious development of physical qualities, improving posture and somatic health. In addition, this type of motor activity is characterized by the availability and a wide range of tools, which allows in the future to choose any types of motor activity as the main. So obviously that we need  to scientifically justify using of kid's fitness as a means of organizing the physical activity of pupil.



