The purpose of the article is to analyze the activities of Catherine de' Medici during the reign of her minor sons in France, to determine the queen's influence on domestic and foreign policy. The research methodology is conditioned by the use of methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, as well as the historical-typological method and the principles of objectivity and historicism. The scientific novelty consists in reflecting the influence of Catherine de Medici's childhood and environment on the formation of her personality and further life path. Conclusions. Catherine de Medici is an ambiguous and sinister figure in French history, she was credited with many cruel deeds, in particular, accusations of organizing Bartholomew's Night. Considering the relatively small amount of information about this historical person, many myths have formed around her. But it is worth noting that the loss of parents, wandering, and threats had a great influence on the formation of Kateryna's personality. The humiliations she experienced made her broken and merciless in the struggle for her own success in life and the success of her children. The pursuit of crowns became the meaning and horror of her existence. Fate has determined the queen's character and behavior since childhood, and the desire to survive at any cost and reign became the meaning of her life. But because of her limited, middle-class mind, Catherine could not fulfill the tasks that France faced during her reign in time and accordingly.
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