In the article, the political activity of Oleg Shtul-Zhdanovich in the post-war period (second half of 1940-s – 1977) is highlighted. The state of development of this issue in Ukrainian and foreign historiography is determined. Issues that require further study and development are grounded. For the purpose of comprehensive study of the given issues archival documents and newspaper publications are used. In the scientific circle, new documents about life and activities of Oleg Shtul-Zhdanovich are introduced. The influence of social and political events in the period after the Second World War on the activity of Oleg Shtul-Zhdanovich is considered. Attention to his social and political activities (second half of 1940-s – 1977) is concentrated. The author's interpretation of the significance of Oleg Shtul-Zhdanovich political activity in the second half of 1940-s – 1977 is outlined. The main attention is concentrated on the activity of Oleg Shtul-Zhdanovich as the Chairman of the Ukrainian Nationalists' Guard. Therefore, we must note that the main purpose of the activity of Oleg Shtul-Zhdanovich was to consolidate of various Ukrainian political forces in the post-war emigration space. An assessment of Oleg Shtul's activity as the Chairman of the Ukrainian Nationalists' Guard and member of many public and political organizations in Europe is provided. We must note that Oleg Shtul-Zhdanovich, in his activity, devoted a significant position for social and political connections with different institutions and organizations. Events that has happened for honor of memory of Oleg Shtul-Zhdanovich: publication of the book, numerous meetings of members of the Ukrainian Nationalists' Guard are outlined. The conclusion about an important contribution of Oleg Shtul-Zhdanovich in political life on the post-war emigration space (second half of 1940-s – 1977) is made.
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