Educational work of the Vinnytsia Pedagogical Institute in the adjustment period
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institute, adjustment, department, special course, student, practice, exam, progress

How to Cite

Kukulenko, Y. (2019). Educational work of the Vinnytsia Pedagogical Institute in the adjustment period. Scientific Papers of the Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsyiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Series History, 27, 75-81.


In the article on the basis of the first of all archival sources we have shown achievements and objective difficulties in organizing the educational process at the Vinnytsia Pedagogical Institute in the reconstruction period. The author paid attention to the fact that it was difficult for the teachers of the departments to rebuild and thought according to the requirements of this time, especially at the initial stage of the reconstruction period. It is about the introduction of new educational disciplines and the introduction of corresponding changes in the names of departments, creation of clubs according to the interests taking into account the specifics of the disciplines that were taught to the students. More attention was paid to studying history, literature and art of the native land. Young people studied special courses, special seminars and elective subjects; most of them had a school orientation. The training of the teachers of the Russian language and literature for the Uzbek SSR is described. Methodological work is analyzed; examples of cooperation with the schools of the city and the region are presented: teachers were conducted seminars for future teachers and educators, practiced at school, the best school teachers were involved for teaching special courses and methods in the pedagogical institute. At the end of the 1980s, a number of schools opened branch offices of the Institute. On the basis of the Pedagogical Institute, re-training courses for school principals and teachers were organized. The author showed new forms and methods of active learning, analyzed the state of computerization of the educational process, the success of students (from 1989-1990 this figure dropped, which was explained by the introduction of the provisions on free attendance of lectures). The system of encouragement for students was characterized; the best of them were given the Lenin scholarship. In the article considerable attention is paid to the organization of pedagogical, dialectological and legal practice, observance of labor discipline (some students were excluded from Institute for irresponsible attitude to teaching). It was about the students who compiled state examinations, conducted graduation theses by young people. The absolute majority of graduates received their first job.

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