The article examines the process of formation and activity of the Podilskyi provincial revolutionary tribunal in the initial period of its activity. First of all, the organizational and legal aspect of its functioning is analyzed. The special status of the revolutionary tribunals in the USSR was noted. It was emphasized that these state bodies considered especially dangerous for the Soviet authorities crimes. The theoretical aspect of their organization and activity in 1919 is partially covered. The legislation regulating the activities of the revolutionary tribunals is distinguished. The process of formation and organization of the tribunal is reflected, taking into account the military-political and socio-economic situation in Podillya. The peculiarities of the formation of the personnel of the provincial revolutionary tribunal are revealed. The educational level of the tribunal staff and their qualifications have been determined. In addition, members of the tribunal's lack of experience in the field of justice are indicated. In contrast, some of the Tribunal's staff have been highly qualified. Personnel changes in the revolutionary tribunal during the initial period of its activity are analyzed. The peculiarities of consideration of cases by this body are investigated. The number and nature of the cases in the Podilsky provincial revolutionary tribunal were determined. It was noted that the revolutionary tribunal in the initial period of its activity dealt mainly with ordinary criminal cases. Particularly dangerous crimes did not make up the majority in its proceedings. On the basis of these data, the extent and nature of the repressive policies pursued by the revolutionary tribunal was determined. Its relationship with other local repressive authorities and its negative impact on the functioning of the Revolutionary Tribunal have been analyzed. In addition, the place of the revolutionary tribunal in the system of punitive and repressive measures of Soviet power in the region is reflected. The material security of the tribunal is also partly described. It is stated that the tribunal used the Soviet power to propagate communist ideas and eliminate the opponents of Soviet power in the region.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Scientific Papers of the Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University. Series: History