Military (local) conflicts of the 70s and early 90s of the ХХ century in Asia, Africa and South America: the problems of search in Ukrainian historical science of the 1990s
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Pospіelov A. (2019). Military (local) conflicts of the 70s and early 90s of the ХХ century in Asia, Africa and South America: the problems of search in Ukrainian historical science of the 1990s. Scientific Papers of the Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsyiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Series History, 30, 103-107.


The article reveals the general trends in the study of local-level military conflicts in Asia, Africa and South America in the final period of the Cold War in Ukrainian historiography of the 1990s. Shown are the reasons that prompted Ukrainian researchers to start researching and solving the problems of local conflicts in these regions in the first decade of the existence of independent Ukrainian historiography. The work of the main representatives of Ukrainian historiography on this issue is briefly analyzed. The main conflicts that were of interest to Ukrainian researchers of the 1990s are shown - Anglo-Argentine for the Falkland / Malvinas Islands, Indo-Pakistan, mainly in its modern course, Iraq-Kuwait, and Kurdish, Middle Eastern in all its spectrum of aspects. The main areas of research are covered - political, ethnopolitical, military, military-technical, problems of the UN and the Non-Aligned Movement, problems of peaceful and international settlement of military conflicts. Unique directions of research by Ukrainian historians and journalists regarding local conflicts of the 1970-1990s that took place in Asia, Africa and South America were revealed and shown. This is an appeal to military conflicts previously poorly studied in Soviet historiography, an attempt to create their own typology and classification system of wars and military conflicts, a study of the actions of the air forces and air defense forces and means, including on the basis of publications of direct participants in military conflicts, an analysis of other problems not previously studied in Soviet historiography, primarily of a military-technical nature.

Based on the material presented, the author concludes that the Ukrainian historiography of the 1990s was extremely optimistic in terms of studying military conflicts in Asia, Africa and South America. And its potential laid down in the indicated period was developed in the first decade of the 21st century, when this scientific direction reached the peak of its quantity and quality according to the research and published works.

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