The abundance of surnames of Kokhanivska Volost in Vinnytsia District (based on the materials of the State Archives of Khmelnytskyi Region)
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surname, abundance of surnames, anthroponym, Kokhanivska Volost

How to Cite

Hrebenova, V., & Kononenko, V. . (2020). The abundance of surnames of Kokhanivska Volost in Vinnytsia District (based on the materials of the State Archives of Khmelnytskyi Region). Scientific Papers of the Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsyiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Series History, 31, 111-118.


The purpose of the article is to clarify the origin of the surnames of Kokhanivska Volost in Vinnytsia District. The methodology of the research is based on the combination of both general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, generalization, description) and special-historical methods (historical-typological, historical-systemic, quantitative) with the principles of historicism, systematicity, scientific. Etymological analysis was used to find out the origin of individual surnames. Scientific novelty is that the authors, for the first time, revealed the names of the villages of Humenne, Kobylnia, Kozyntsi, Korolivka, Kosakivka, Kokhanivka, Oleksandrivka, Penkivka, Pryborivka, Syvakivtsi based on the analysis of the materials of the five parishes which were included in this parish as 01.01.1869. The chronology of the documents covers the period 1833. Conclusions. The obtained materials of the confessional books have indicated that the residents of Kokhanivska Volost used their own surnames for their own identification.
That the largest group was made up of surnames, which were the basis of personal names, mostly they originated from the Christian calendar, which consists of the names of Greek, Hebrew and Latin origin, and in particular there were surnames based on male names of Polish and Croatian origin, and in Russian version; as well as the surnames formed by occupation (profession).
The study of the surname system of a particular region is relevant and important, since surnames contain information not only about its current medium, but actually reflect the history of the whole family. In addition, the very names reflect the various historical processes that took place in this territory, peculiarities of life, material and spiritual culture, the surrounding nature, demographic processes, connections with other peoples.

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