The purpose of the article is illumination of dynamics and orientation of the American military doctrine in relation to Philippines and its influence on internal development of country. An author characterizes maintenance of the American-Philippine problems, degree of conflict and contradictions in the field of military safety. The special attention is spared opening of dynamics and orientation of the American military doctrine in relation to Philippines and its influence on internal development of country. In basis of research methodology – study and walkthrough of historical sources and scientific literature, application is a problem chronologic and komparativnogo approaches. Development of bilateral relations between the USA and Philippines examined on a background changes in the foreign policy of these states and to the regional situation in East Asia. The scientific novelty of work consists in that, that using the methods of kontent- and diskurs-analiz an author analyses tendencies and prospects of development of American strategy in relation to military-technical influence of Philippines on the dynamics of processes in the Asia-Pacific region. Conclusions. Military Alliance of the US and the Philippines should be a reliable guarantee of peace and security in the region. Cooperation between countries has far-reaching military-strategic aims, the expansion of the geographical boundaries of democracy and enhance the overall global fight against terrorism and to counter terrorist activity and propaganda. American politicians are considering the Philippines as a kind of an important Outpost off the coast of China as the key to increasing domination over the Pacific Ocean. Key aspects of counteracting the security challenges, ignoring that, it is impossible to ensure stability and prosperity in the Asia Pacific region. Support for sustainable relations with Washington gives the Philippines the opportunity to strengthen positions on the international arena that could become the indicator of the successful implementation of an independent foreign policy.
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