Inspection of the Monastic Hegumens of Lviv Union Eparchy in 1724


male monasteries, Lviv eparchy, Union Church, historical source, history of the church

How to Cite

Pavlyshyn, A. (2021). Inspection of the Monastic Hegumens of Lviv Union Eparchy in 1724. Scientific Papers of the Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsyiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Series History, 36, 93-103.


The aim of the research is to introduce an important source of the history of the church, in particular the monasticism of the Lviv Union eparchy of the first half of the XVIII century into scientific circulation – “Inspection of the hegumens of the Lviv eparchy in 1724”. The methodology of the researchis based on the principles of historicism, analytical and synthetic critique of sources. Comparative and typological general historical methods are also used.The scientific noveltyis in the introduction of the source, which most fully reflects the real state of monasticism of the Lviv eparchy in the first quarter of the XVIII century into wide circulation for the first time. Conclusions: As a result of archival searches, a historical source “Inspection of the hegumens of Lviv eparchyin 1724”was discovered and put into scientific circulation. It is the first complete description of the existing monasteries of the Lviv dioceseand allows to recreate their detailed network at the first quarter of the XVIII century. For the first time, the document also reliably outlines the number of monastic communities in the eparchy. Onthebasisofinspection it can be stated that the Lviv Union diocesein 1724 had 62 monasteries with 341 monks. The source also allows us to trace the power of bishops over monasteries, in particular the mechanism of hegumens subordination to bishops. The document contains valuable information about the relationship of monasteries, in particular the subordination of smaller monastic communities to larger ones. No less important are the sources about the economic situation of the monasteries.In 1724, only 34 out of 62 monasteries, showed documents for the right to own some land plots, which allows us to speak of a relatively modest monastic farming. “Inspection of the hegumens of the Lviv eparchy in 1724”, is a key source that allows us to characterize not only the state of monasteries, but also the Lviv eparchy in general in the first decades after the adoption of the Brest Union by the diocese.



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