Ukrainian Historical Institutions in Interwar Poland: the Attempt to Generalise
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the Second Polish Republic, Ukrainian historical science, research institutions, Shevchenko Scientific Society, Ukrainian Scientific Institute

How to Cite

Telvak, V., & Lozynska, I. (2021). Ukrainian Historical Institutions in Interwar Poland: the Attempt to Generalise. Scientific Papers of the Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsyiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Series History, 36, 104-111.


The purpose of the article. Based on the analysis of various historiographical literature, Ukrainian historical science's institutional structure in interwar Poland has been generalised. The research methodology relies on the use of an interdisciplinary approach. Based on the principles of objectivity and historicism, the research has d the structural-functional systematic analysis of historiographical facts and the comparative-historical method. The article has used the heuristic possibilities of periodisation, classification and typology methods. The article's scientific novelty is an attempt to generalise the institutional structure of the Ukrainian humanities in the Second Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Conclusions. Ukrainian intellectuals in the Second Polish Republic, sometimes assisted by Polish authorities but more often in defiance of its anti-Ukrainian policy, generally adapted well to the country's existing socio-political realities. Responding to numerous challenges, they generally successfully transformed the institutional experience of the Ukrainian humanities of the previous period. Despite significant financial difficulties, scholars initiated the creation of new research institutions whose staff worked on the most promising Ukrainian studies problems at the time. The specificity of the Ukrainian humanities in the Second Polish Republic was its institutional division between Lviv and Warsaw. However, despite the close interpersonal relations between Galician scholars and their Dnipro colleagues-emigrants in the Polish capital, it was impossible to establish full-fledged institutional cooperation. This obstacle led to duplication of organisational structures, which have often dealt with similar issues. That situation did not correspond to the modest material and human resources of the Ukrainian science of that time, resulting in scientific projects' inconsistency and sometimes personal conflicts. However, those Ukrainian historical institutions of the Second Polish Republic were relocated by emigrants to the free world in the postwar period, which allowed the domestic humanities to endure the communist experiment at home and preserve institutional memory.
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