The article aims to specify the status of Orthodox monasteries and monasticism in the Kyiv eparchy between the 19th and early 20th centuries within the framework of the then-existing Russian church legislation. Research methodology is grounded in the principles of historicism and scientific objectivity, using critical, systematic and comparative analysis of sources. These methods and principles have enabled a comprehensive study of various phenomena in their dynamics and totality, taking into account all conflicting factors. By employing these diverse methods, the study has traced the impact of Russian church legislation on events and processes regulating the activities of monasteries and monasticism in the Kyiv eparchy during the synodal period. Conclusions. The 18th-century reforms in the Russian Empire’s ecclesiastical sphere designated the Holy Governing Synod as the legislative authority over the Orthodox Church, fully subordinating it to the Russian imperial government. During this century, church legislation was established, which, with minor modifications and additions, remained in effect throughout the 19th and early 20th centuries and applied to Ukrainian Orthodox eparchies. The 18th century marked a period of profound and comprehensive transformations in the history of monasteries and monasticism, characterized by strict regulation of monastic life, daily routines and the rights of the inhabitants. The primary feature of church-state relations in the 19th and early 20th centuries was the state’s total control over the Church’s affairs. The Holy Synod controlled matters such as the establishment of new monasteries, granting them status, accepting individuals into monasticism and determining the number of monastics. The monasteries of the Kyiv eparchy during this period were managed by the eparchial bishop and were entitled to elect an abbot, who was then approved by the Holy Synod through its decree. Monasteries, both male and female, were classified into three categories, either communal or non-communal, with a clearly defined monastic staff determined by the Synod.
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