The purpose of the study is to analyze the problem of juvenile delinquency in the 1970s in a regional context, using the example of Zhytomyr region and the measures of their prevention by the relevant state authorities. The methodological basis of the research is the methods of analysis and synthesis, comparative, statistical (to characterize juvenile delinquencies, their dynamics) methods; the principles of objectivity, scientific, and historicism were also used, which contributed to a more impartial and comprehensive analysis of the mentioned problem and period. The scientific novelty of the study consists of a comprehensive analysis of the delinquency problem among the minors in Zhytomyr region in the 1970s, based on archival sources (reports of relevant authorities). Conclusions. For the period of the 1970s in the social sphere of the Ukrainian SSR, one of the difficult tasks of the authorities was solving the problem of the delinquency among the minors. We considered the regional aspect of the problem, using the example of Zhytomyr region. In the mentioned period, offenses among the minors tended to increase, which was primarily due to the work of the relevant authorities, schools, vocational schools, which were supposed to control the teenagers’ behavior. The analysis of the juvenile delinquencies shows that crimes against citizens' property, hooliganism and rape were mainly committed. The tendency to commit group crimes intensified. Reports and resolutions of the relevant authorities (regional executive committee, juvenile commissions) show that the problem of juvenile delinquency was quite urgent in the districts of Zhytomyr region. It should also be noted that inspections of the juvenile commissions’ work revealed their insufficiency and formal attitude to solving those problems. The work of law enforcement agencies was also insufficient. The authorities proposed a number of measures to prevent delinquency among teenagers, but they were not always effective. The measures in educational sphere were also predominant. The problem of youth’s leisure was supposed to be solved among others. At the same time, the authorities also provided anti-religious upbringing of teenagers. Regional problems of the juvenile delinquency in Ukraine during the transitional period (years of “perestroika” 1985-1991) require further research.
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