The purpose of the article is to study and analyze different approaches to the definition of the concept of "intangible cultural heritage" in the works of modern Ukrainian researchers representing various sciences. Research methodology is represented by a set of general scientific methods and approaches, in particular, methods of comparative analysis and systematization. The scientific novelty consists in the analysis of the peculiarities of the definition of the concept of "intangible cultural heritage", depending on the affiliation of researchers to one or another discipline. Such an analysis will help to avoid the limitations of the definition of the concept within one field and will allow to develop a more effective approach to the definition of this concept. Conclusions. In the course of conducting this research, it was established that the interpretation of intangible cultural heritage has a connection between the specificity of the definitions and the professional affiliation of the authors to such sciences as economics, cultural studies, history, geography Common features in the definition of features of the concept of intangible cultural heritage are noted. Representatives of these disciplines, namely economics, geography emphasized in the formulation the connection with tourism. Scientists in the field of history and cultural studies paid attention to the importance of the formation of the identity of a separate social group and the transmission of cultural values, traditions and customs from generation to generation. Distinctive features in the explanation of the concept of intangible cultural heritage in comparison with the previous group of scientists are the interpretation of the concept of "intangible cultural heritage" by representatives of the geographical discipline, which includes spiritual values, traditions, beliefs and understanding of the way of life. Among all the definitions of the concept of "intangible cultural heritage", the most successful one, in the opinion of the author, is the one prescribed in the provisions of the Law of Ukraine "On Culture". Prospects for further research into the concept of "intangible cultural heritage" lie in the development of more effective approaches to the preservation and use of the cultural heritage of Ukraine.
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