The aim of the article is to clarify the historical context and reasons for the formation of the Soviet nomenclature in the Ukrainian SSR in 1919 – 1924. The research methodology is based on a combination of general scientific (analysis, synthesis, deduction) and special-historical (historiographical scientific analysis, structural-systemic) methods with the principles of historicism, objectivity, scientificity, and evidence. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that using the above-mentioned methods in combination with scientific principles, the authors analyze the process of formation of the Ukrainian nomenclature as a systemic whole, consisting of elements (each element corresponds to a corresponding field of activity), on top of which a super-system is built as a peculiar basis, namely: the form of formation of the Russian nomenclature in the RSFSR (according to which nomenclature is formed in the Ukrainian SSR). Conclusions. Formation of the nomenclature in the Ukrainian SSR occurred as a result of the direct intervention of the Bolsheviks. To form the Ukrainian nomenclature, the Bolsheviks used methods of physical intervention and influence, which was accompanied by the expulsion of Ukrainian communists outside the republic and the appointment of communists from the center (RSFSR) to leadership and vacant positions in the government and communist party in the Ukrainian SSR.
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