The article is dedicated to the actual problem of the recycling of the forbidden Chlorinated pesticides. The capacity of the usage of the forbidden Chlorinated pesticides as the chlorinating agents in the process of ilmenite concentrate recycling on the example of hexachlorobenzene is described. The thermodynamic parameters and equilibrium concentrations of obtaining carbon tetrachloride from hexachlorobenzene are defined. The process of chlorinating of the ilmenite concentrate is researched, the change of equilibrium to the concentration starting reagents and the reactions’ products with the carbon tetrachloride from Mining and Metallurgical Complex of Vilnogirsk with the carbon tetrachloride is calculated. It is also showed that with the help of metabolic reactions of carbon tetrachloride and ilmenite it is possible to avoid the difficult redox transformations, which take place in the traditional technology of titanium obtaining.
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