Thermal treatment of pesticide-contaminated soil is one of the effective methods of purifying soil from harmful pollution. Since pesticides have a harmful effect on humans and the environment, especially if they enter the body through food, there is a need to reduce their amount in the soil. Thermal treatment of soil contaminated with pesticides consists in raising the temperature of the soil to a certain level, which allows the destruction of pesticides and other harmful substances. The purpose of this work is to analyze the results of previously conducted studies using high-temperature processing and their conclusions regarding the effectiveness of the method.
The review of research was conducted on the basis of the criteria for the effectiveness of thermal treatment and its potential use for the remediation of pesticide-contaminated soils.
Recent research shows that thermal treatment of pesticide-contaminated soil can be a self- sufficient and simple method of soil purification. However, further research is needed in this area to improve methodology, techniques and environmental safety development regarding post-procedural soil behavior and waste disposal. All this can help in further work on solving the problems of soil pollution and help preserve the health of people and ecosystems.
It has been established that heat treatment is one of the most effective methods of remediation of soil contaminated with pesticides. It allows you to reduce the level of pollution by a significant amount after just one application of this method. However, before using the treatment, it is necessary to study in detail all possible factors affecting the effectiveness of the method, including temperature, duration of treatment, type of soil and others.
Various methods of heat treatment, their effectiveness and possibilities of use in real conditions were analyzed. The main factors affecting the effectiveness of the method, as well as various options for the application of heat treatment, depending on the type of soil and the level of contamination, were also investigated.
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