The urgency of studying the problem of environmental awareness is due to the aggravation of the ecological crisis, negative phenomena inherent in the modern socio-cultural environment. In order to solve these problems, a modern person must first of all change his attitude to the surrounding reality, in particular to nature. It was determined that a person's ecological consciousness is understood as a separate form of human consciousness. Ecological consciousness is represented by a set of certain views, thoughts and emotions that reflect a specific way of relating to nature, which is based on the appropriate ratio of specific needs of society/group/person and natural opportunities. The ecological consciousness of a person is characterized from the standpoint of four psychological directions, namely: the direction in which a person's ecological consciousness is considered as a prerequisite for the formation of his ecological worldview; a direction that considers environmental consciousness as a complex mental structure that, first of all, illuminates a person's attitude to the surrounding reality, the activities of other subjects, society as a whole, as well as the consequences of these activities; the direction in which ecological consciousness is closely connected with the ecological thinking of a person, his creative potential; direction, in the context of which environmental awareness is defined as the highest personal value. The features of human interaction with the natural environment are described, taking into account the norms and rules existing in society and the consumer orientation of the individual.
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