This article illuminates the dynamic nature of psychological resilience development against the backdrop of contemporary societal changes. It draws attention to the necessity of integrating an individual's internal capabilities with external support factors. Based on current psychological research, it emphasizes the multifaceted components of resilience, which include self-regulation, optimism, cognitive flexibility, and the vital role of social support systems. The work summarizes the contributions of modern scholars to the field of psychological resilience, particularly highlighting valid, including relatively new, resilience assessment scales applied as effective tools for both measuring and facilitating resilience development across various societal categories. Furthermore, the article reveals aspects of resilience research that were previously underexplored, such as the need for a deeper investigation into cross-cultural dimensions, the impact of digital technologies, and the formation of comprehensive support programs tailored to the challenges of the modern world. The goal of this article is to synthesize theoretical and empirical findings, offering a generalized summary of the research overview by contemporary scientists active in the field of psychological resilience, while also identifying future directions for study and application.
This comprehensive review not only aids in a better understanding of how psychological resilience develops but also highlights unexplored aspects and opportunities for future research. By integrating findings from various sources, it provides a foundation for creating effective assistance methods that could enhance psychological resilience in individuals regardless of their age, social position, and cultural background.
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