This article attempts to generalize and systematize existing knowledge in psychology about the phenomenon of personal boundaries and their influence on an individual's psychological well-being. The first section of the article analyzes the concept of personal boundaries, their functions, and types. It explains that personal boundaries are defined as internal and external spaces that separate the individual from the surrounding world and others. Various types of boundaries are considered, including physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual boundaries. The second section of the article discusses the peculiarities of forming personal boundaries and typical disruptions in their functioning. It is noted that the formation of healthy boundaries occurs throughout life and depends on interactions with parents, the surrounding environment, and individuality. Typical boundary violations are also considered, such as lack of awareness, stress, fear of refusal, and others. The third section examines the guarantee of forming healthy personal boundaries. The role of assertiveness in maintaining healthy boundaries and effective interaction with the surrounding world is analyzed. It is explained that assertive behavior helps maintain a balance between one's own needs and the interests of others, contributing to the construction of stable and constructive relationships. The conclusions emphasize the importance of understanding and awareness of personal boundaries for maintaining mental health and improving the quality of life. They highlight the significance of developing assertiveness and other key skills to support healthy boundaries and build harmonious relationships with the world. This scientific article is an important source for those interested in personality psychology, interaction with the environment, and the development of mental health. It offers a deep analysis of the basic concepts of personal boundaries and provides practical recommendations for their preservation and support.
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