The article presents a study of altruism depending on gender identification. The problem of altruism is considered through the prism of three scientific fields: ethology, philosophy, and psychology. The deep interaction of male and female manifestations of altruism means the constant renewal of human existence in its spiritual-personal aspects. A description of an empirical study utilizing standardized psychodiagnostic methods is provided, as a result of which it was established that the obtained results indicate that both gender role and biological sex can affect the level of altruism, but these effects are not very significant. This may indicate the complex nature of altruism, which could be dependent on various factors, including but not limited to gender and biological identity. Additional research could help better understand these relationships and their mechanisms. An interesting feature is that gender role and gender identity do not have a statistically significant influence on manifestations of altruism among participants. It is important to note that the majority of respondents in the study are characterized by an androgynous gender role, which differs by a combination of masculine and feminine traits.
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