The article highlights the relevance of psychological support for volunteers working in difficult conditions associated with social, humanitarian and crisis challenges. The main psychological problems faced by volunteers are considered, including emotional burnout, high stress levels, secondary traumatization and overload, which lead to a decrease in their productivity and the threat of emotional exhaustion. Special attention is paid to the impact of these factors on the mental health of volunteers, as well as on their ability to maintain resilience in emergency conditions. Modern methods of psychological support are analyzed, which allow to prevent emotional burnout and contribute to maintaining mental balance. It is noted that group interventions, such as therapeutic or support groups, contribute to creating a sense of belonging and mutual support among volunteers; coaching approaches help to identify personal resources and set achievable goals, and art therapy allows to express emotions through creativity. Special attention is paid to self-help techniques, such as relaxation exercises, mindfulness and emotional regulation methods, which can be used directly by volunteers in their daily activities.
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