The article discusses various aspects and provides a theoretical analysis of research on the development of musical abilities and their impact on personality psychology. Several studies point to potential mechanisms underlying the development of musical skills and the influence of music on brain activity. The interest of scientists in the problem of developing musical abilities in personality is highlighted within the context of neuroscience, the influence of the emotional sphere on music perception, and the formation of musical preferences in both children and adults. The article examines the issue of musical ability development and its age-specific characteristics, their structure, and the role of general abilities in musical development. The article aims to examine and systematize the theoretical aspects related to the development of musical abilities in individuals, to study contemporary theories, to consolidate scientific approaches, and to deepen research in this field. The research provides definitions of the concept of "musical abilities" by representatives of various fields of knowledge: psychology, musicology, music pedagogy, as well as their classification. A characterization of musicality as a special mental function and the concept of the synesthetic nature of musicality are provided. It has been proven that musicality influences personality development, making it more integrated and balanced, fostering the development of various aspects: intellectual, emotional, social, and creative. It is noted that a person's musical giftedness is based on sensory musical abilities, the main ones being musical ear, sense of rhythm, and musical memory. The article examines the issue of developing musical ear - the most important sensory musical ability, the development of which is associated with a high level of human mental evolution. A number of scientific studies on the perception of musical rhythm are analyzed, and the development of a sense of musical rhythm in children is discussed. The definition of the concept of musical memory as a separate musical ability is provided, describing its classification, functioning, and interrelated types. Emphasis is placed on the necessity of continual training for its development and improvement. The concept of musical thinking and musical imagination is separately examined, reflecting aspects of cognitive and creative activity in music. Conclusions are drawn regarding the development of musical abilities as a universal tool for personal growth.
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