Psychological readiness for professional activity is a multidimensional category that integrates emotional, cognitive, and social aspects. It determines a healthcare professional's ability to function effectively under stress, quickly adapt to changing circumstances, and provide quality medical care, which is extremely important in today's conditions of full-scale war.
The article aims to analyse the psychological readiness of future healthcare professionals for professional activity through emotional, cognitive, and social dimensions and identify the key factors that contribute to its formation.
The article proposes a comprehensive approach to the psychological readiness of future healthcare professionals, which integrates emotional stability, cognitive competencies and social skills as key elements. The significance of each of these components in the context of modern challenges, such as stressful working conditions and increasing professional demands, is revealed, and the important role of psychological stability, self-awareness and emotional and volitional qualities in forming psychological readiness is determined.
Particular attention is paid to the gradual formation of psychological readiness, starting from the stage of study, adaptation to the educational environment, formation of professional identity and integration into real professional activity. The main characteristics of these stages are outlined, along with the aspects requiring development at each stage. Emphasis is placed on the harmonious development of all components that ensure high professional efficiency among healthcare professionals, even under the challenging conditions of contemporary realities.
The results obtained are of practical importance for developing training programmes for future healthcare professionals to develop their psychological readiness, which, in turn, will improve the quality of healthcare services.
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