The combination of direct and indirect anthropogenic factors constantly influences the formation of foothill landscapes. Foothill territories are unique and specific natural formations. They are closely related to mountainous and plain areas and act as a connecting link, or a «corridor» of the exchange of matter and energy. The foothills of the Crimean Mountains are considered as a unique landscape ecotone, to which landscape scientists do not pay enough attention. The landscape ecotone of the foothills of the Crimean Mountains is represented by the foothill forest-steppe, which covers the outer and inner cuest ranges. Here, the diversity of the landscape structure and the correspondence to the forest-steppe altitudinal belt of the Crimean Mountains complicate the clear division of the ecotone into three components: two - steppe and perimontane, external and central - contact. More detailed studies of the landscape ecotone of the foothills of the Crimean Mountains in the future will make it possible to do this. In order to study the intensity of economic development of the territory of the landscape ecotone of the foothills of the Crimean Mountains, the stages of settlement and development of land resources were identified, taking into account: the type of economic activity, the features of land use, settlement, anthropogenic transformation of landscapes and general socio-economic conditions for the development of the territory, the existing periodization of nature use. Spatial analysis of the settlement system through the analysis of the number and density of settlements in the landscape allowed us to identify their landscape location at each of the stages of settlement and development of land resources. Considering the population density of the mentioned territories and their anthropogenicization, the question of the formation of background anthropogenic landscapes naturally arises. So far, they have not been given enough attention. Landscape studies of foothill ecotones differ significantly from geographical geocomponent studies. Active, especially over the past two centuries, economic development of the foothill landscape ecotone has led to the formation of background agricultural field, orchard-plantation, and meadow-pasture background anthropogenic landscapes within the foothills of the Crimean Mountains.
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