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methodology, assessment, algorithm, spatial planning, relief

How to Cite

Baydikov І. А. (2024). JUSTIFICATION OF THE RELIEF ASSESSMENT METHOD IN THE CONTEXT OF SPATIAL PLANNING OF THE TERRITORY WITH THE PURPOSE OF ITS ECONOMIC USE. Landscape Science, (6(2), 54–63. https://doi.org/10.31652/2786-5665-2024-6-54-63


The article offers a variant of the methodology for assessing (determining) the suitability of the relief for the economic use of the territory in the process of its spatial planning. The purpose of the research is to develop a methodical apparatus for assessing the relief of the territory in the context of the tasks of its spatial planning. Attention is focused on defining and taking into account the properties of the relief and the main geomorphological processes of the studied territory in order to establish the degree of their influence on the possible economic use of the territory (construction, agriculture). It is proposed to evaluate the terrain on the basis of a point scale - taking into account the criterion of its suitability / unsuitability (tab. 4). An algorithm for evaluating the relief of the territory is presented. The main stages of the implementation of the specified algorithm correlate with the stages of the presented terrain assessment methodology: 1. Collection of initial data on the features of the terrain of the study area - using the analysis of cartographic sources, DZZ materials and digital models of the terrain. 2. Determination of relevant geomorphological processes and factors and establishment of the degree of their influence on the possible economic use of the territory. 3. Assessment of relief in the context of real properties of geomorphological processes - with the use of engineering and geomorphological zoning of the territory. 4. The resulting substantiation of the terrain's suitability for economic activity - the degree of the territory's suitability for construction or agricultural use is determined. 5. Compilation of the resulting relief map of the research territory, showing the degree of its suitability in the context of existing planning tasks. The justification of the presented methodical approach to territory assessment was based on the synthesis of engineering-geomorphological, geological and landscape science approaches.

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