The article reveals the features of designing and using integrated multi-level tasks for schoolchildren in the PISA format in the process of training future natural science teachers. The relevance of this issue is related to the need to develop the ability to carry out integrated education in future teachers. It is determined by the requirements of the New Ukrainian School, which is focused on comprehensive understanding of natural phenomena and their interrelationships by general secondary school students. One of the most effective methods of forming a holistic natural and scientific picture of the world in students is the use of integrated multi-level tasks, which are a form of implementation of integrated learning. The aim of the research is to explore the development and application features of integrated multi-level tasks in the PISA format as a method for training future natural science teachers of in secondary education institutions for implementing an integrative approach to teaching.
The methodology of the International Comparative Study under the PISA project was used to create such tasks. Based on these approaches, as part of the practical part of the research, future natural science teachers have developed and applied integrated tasks in the educational process of secondary school. These tasks are focused on determining the ability of students to use the knowledge and skills acquired at school to solve problems and challenges in life situations, which is the main goal of the PISA project. The article provides an example of one of the developed tasks under the title «Hemoglobin». The results of this study have demonstrated that the development and implementation of integrated multi-level tasks in the PISA format are effective tools for enhancing schoolchildren's natural science competencies in secondary school and for training future science teachers to employ integrative teaching methods. Shown, that the use of integrated tasks in the teaching of natural sciences allows to increase the motivation of students to study and also contributes to the growth of their academic success.
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Рамковий документ із природничо-наукової освіти PISA-2025. URL: https://pisa-framework.oecd.org/science-2025/ukr_ukr/

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