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mind map, intellectual skills, mind mapping, key competencies, visualization methods, creativity

How to Cite

USE OF MENTAL MAPS IN CHEMISTRY EDUCATION CLASSES. (2022). Scientific Notes of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Section Theory and Methods of Teaching Natural Sciences, 2, 45-55.


The article updates the problem of using mental maps in the educational process of a general secondary education institution, in particular, in chemistry classes.

The purpose of the article is to substantiate the expediency of using mental maps in chemistry classes in a general secondary education institution. In the course of writing the article, such theoretical research methods as analysis, synthesis, modeling, as well as empirical methods - a pedagogical experiment were used to test the effectiveness of using mental maps in the educational
process of chemistry.

The article characterizes the possibilities of using mental maps in the process of planning the activity of a chemistry teacher, in the process of forming integrated knowledge of students in chemistry lessons, as well as their application in extracurricular work of the student, in particular, in the process of creating individual and group projects. Intelligence maps help to organize, systematize
scientific information, group scientific data, opinions, find new ideas, plan work, evaluate its scope, summarize scientific achievements in this field of research.

The results of the empirical study proved that mental maps have a positive effect on the formation of the subject competence of high school students in all the main components. The need to improve the possibilities of using mental maps in relation to such important components of training as the identification of correct judgments and conclusions, as well as the formation of a reflective component of training, was established.

It was concluded that mental maps in education are a modern and compact way of processing educational material, which makes the chemistry lesson interesting and informative, and also allows students to learn the material better. The use of mind mapping technology also opens up a range of opportunities for the development of the teacher's creative potential.

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