Biological experiment in the theory and methods of school biological education
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biological experiment at school, school biology course, institutions of general secondary education, students

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Biological experiment in the theory and methods of school biological education. (2023). Scientific Notes of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Section Theory and Methods of Teaching Natural Sciences, 4, 29-36.


The article deals with the organization of the educational process in biology lessons using a biological experiment at school. Modern society has entered a new stage of development in which the most important task of the education system is the formation of the individual - the highest value of the nation, its intellectual, cultural and comprehensively developed potential. The main concept of the New Ukrainian School is an active approach - that is, students do something more often instead of just sitting at their desks and listening to the teacher. Therefore, the purpose of our article is to reveal the meaning and possibility of a biological experiment in the theory and methodology of school biological education.

The use of a biological experiment during biology lessons allows the teacher to reflect the reality of the surrounding world, to evoke and activate sensations, to help in the formation of biological ideas, to promote the formation of biological concepts, and to provide an opportunity to practically verify the truth of biological knowledge. The purpose of a biological experiment is to influence the object under study in order to obtain information that would be impossible to observe, study or perceive without this influence. The article discusses the specifics of a biological experiment.

The peculiarity of the biological experiment is that it allows for a short period of time to visually explain new material to students, to help students understand a new biological term, concept, theory, which is important for improving the success of students' learning and saving time during lessons.

The issue of the impact of a biological experiment on the formation of subject competence of students is analyzed, the requirements for a school biological experiment are described, the stages of conducting it and the tools and methods that should be used at each stage of the lesson are described. It was found that the experiment allows to combine the acquired theoretical material with practical activities in class or extracurricular time, by turning knowledge into action. In turn, the formation of research skills with the help of a systematic biological experiment allows you to thoroughly learn biological knowledge and improve the quality of education as a whole.

A biological experiment during biology lessons can act as a universal means of learning. Taking into account the activity approach of the New Ukrainian School, today the experiment should become an integral part of teaching biology at school. The use of a school biological experiment as a teaching method makes it possible to obtain the results provided for by the state standard of general secondary education. A correctly designed biological experiment allows you to deepen and expand students' ideas about the experimental method of teaching biology, about the role and place of the experiment in the formation of biological education, about the relationship between theory and practice, and forms experimental and creative skills in students. It is worth noting that the biological experiment is not only an important teaching method, but also the main visual means of teaching in biology classes.

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