The article emphasizes the need for formation of the environmental culture in preschool children, which is the initial stage of formation of the human personality. It is during this period that the foundations of interaction with the nature are laid, with the help of adults, a child begins to realize it as a common value for all people.
The role of the educator in formation of the environmental culture in preschool children is revealed. It is emphasized that the main priority in the educational process of a preschool educational institution should be ensuring the proper environmental culture. The educator must organize the educational process in such a way that it becomes environmentally favorable for children. The main task that the teacher should implement in the process of environmental education of preschool children is characterized. The task of the educator is to educate the younger generation in the tradition of the harmonious coexistence with nature, rational use and reproduction of its resources, in the psychological readiness to protect natural values.
In the course of the research, we specified the concept of "environmental culture". Features of the formation of the environmental culture in preschool children are distinguished and described.
It was found that the basis of the environmental culture includes elementary knowledge about nature: orientation in the nearest natural environment; awareness of the vital needs of living beings in the conditions of existence; familiarization with the elementary information about the interrelationships of living nature, its importance in human life. Children's knowledge of nature occurs during vigorous activities, when they master the skills of caring for its objects, preserving and creating conditions for their normal coexistence. In order to educate children in the humane attitude towards nature, not only knowledge is important, but also the education of humane feelings, positive experience in communicating with nature.
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