The article considers the effect of social laziness, which is the increase in the number of groups leading to a decrease in the individual productivity of its participants. The authors analyze the features of this effect manifestation among students of higher education institutions. Under "normal" conditions, group study has several advantages, including communication, socialization, acquiring skills of working in groups, etc. However, the effect of social laziness can lead to negative consequences such as a loss of interest in education, a decline in academic performance, a complete loss of motivation to study.
Based on the analysis of scientific literature and their own research, the authors of the article suggest a number of means to prevent and overcome the effect of social laziness among students. The means include actualizing individuality and enhancing identification; solving the problem of the freeloaders; qualitative target setting; systematic engagement.
In the context of remote study, characterized by asynchrony, time discontinuity and unstable social ties, these means lose their effectiveness. The authors of the article suggest developing new means that take into account the peculiarities of remote study.
The means suggested by the students include formalization of group relations; promoting group socialization; group work; establishing clear identity of the individual; adopting project-based approach. In conclusion, the authors of the article state that the effect of social laziness in the conditions of the war has acquired new features and requires an updated means to overcome it.
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