Modern life, unfortunately, is not devoid of stressful situations. This article explores how stress affects various cognitive functions, making us more vulnerable. Memory, attention, decision-making, inhibition, and abstract thinking are just some aspects of the effects of stress. Studies show that prolonged or repeated stress can weaken the immune system, increasing inflammation and even destroying neurons in the hippocampus responsible for memory. Maturation of the frontal cortex, which is accompanied by an increase in gray matter volume and the number of synapses, can be disrupted by stress, leading to cognitive decline. Recent research on the impact of stressful situations on psychological and physical health is characterized by a wide range of methodological approaches and a variety of sources. Sapolsky R. highlights the impact of stress on memory-related processes, as well as on the formation of certain parts of the brain. In the work of D. Nakazawa, we get acquainted with neural development and the natural processes associated with this development. Thus, the latest research and publications in the field of stress psychology are an important contribution to our understanding of this complex problem and the development of practical recommendations for overcoming the negative effects of stress. Sleep is crucial for restoring energy and consolidating memory, but it also becomes a victim of stress. Lack of sleep and deterioration in its quality make us more vulnerable to the negative effects of stress. Children who have experienced stress risk losing even more neurons than their peers, as the natural neuronal pruning at puberty can be intensified. Chronic stress can lead to neurotic reactions, psychophysiological symptoms, and psychosomatic illnesses. This emphasizes the importance of nervous system rehabilitation and neuropsychological interventions.
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