The article is focused on the study of socio-psychological adaptation of information technology workers in conditions of uncertainty. The main theoretical approaches to understanding adaptation processes are considered, in particular, the psychoanalytic approach, the model of stress and coping, the biopsychosocial model and the concept of adaptive potential. The importance of developing internal resources of a personality, such as stress resistance, adaptive abilities and self-esteem, for successful adaptation in times of crisis is emphasised. The experience of foreign and national companies in implementing employee support programmes, including psychological counselling, stress management training, social initiatives and flexible working conditions, is analysed. Particular attention is paid to an integrated approach to support, which covers both individual and collective needs. The role of open communication, professional development and measures to promote physical and mental health is highlighted. The importance of regular monitoring of the employees' condition for timely provision of the necessary assistance is outlined. The article highlights the practical aspects of adaptation and overcoming stress factors in crisis conditions, such as military conflict. The conclusion is drawn that it is necessary to implement comprehensive support programmes that will help preserve the mental health of employees and ensure the effective functioning of the information technology and communications sector. The presented results may be useful for developing strategies to support staff in crisis situations. Implementation of effective adaptation methods will help create a healthy work environment that will increase productivity and reduce the level of professional burnout. Supporting employees' health in times of crisis is of particular importance to minimise the negative effects of stress and anxiety, as well as to prevent psychological trauma and preserve professional potential.
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