Combined chemical regeneration of industrial waste of various industries


industrial waste, sorption, regeneration, bis-(diethyldithiocarbamato)copper(II), C,S,N-containing plastic lubricants

How to Cite

Ranskiy, A., Titov, T., & Sandul, O. (2022). Combined chemical regeneration of industrial waste of various industries. Personality and Environmental Issues, 2, 33-35.


In this paper has been shown the results of the studies on complex sorption purification of industrial waste of various industries with an obtaining new C,S,N-containing plastic lubricants which provide high performance.The conditions for obtaining diethylammonium salt from the obsolete pesticide Banvel D and its sorption on a mixed sorbent, which consist of activated carbon (AC) and kieselguhr (K), have been established. The conditions for obtaining potassium diethyldithiocarbamateon its surface and then, during subsequent treatment with copper(II) sulfate, bis-(diethyldithiocarbamato)copper(II) sorbed on a solid surface, have been examined. Obtainedsorbed substances of general composition [sorbent (AC+ K)]·[(C2H5)2NS(=S)S]2Cu have been studied as active components of plastic lubricants, which provide their high performance.



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Copyright (c) 2022 Anatolii Ranskiy, Taras Titov, Olha Sandul


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