The article deals with the issues of the formation of self-awareness of specialists and future applicants for higher special and inclusive education. The data of the theoretical analysis of general and special literature indicate the importance of studying the issues of psychological readiness, pedagogical training of all those who work with children with special educational needs, the structure, features, specifics of training professionals as carriers and performers of educational, developmental, correctional and rehabilitation services for children with various nosologies of developmental disorders are determined.
It is noted that professional competencies to carry out pedagogical forecasting and diagnostics of intellectual, speech, correctional, communicative, behavioral, kinesthetic, emotional and volitional, regulatory components of a child's educational activity require work on comprehending the results of their own activities, analyzing the difficulties that arise during the pedagogical process, establishing vectors of psychological and pedagogical correction and rehabilitation of primary and secondary, tertiary layers of disorders, making individual correctional and social programs.
It has been determined that an important tool for comprehending and working on oneself is the need to improve one's correctional and pedagogical activity is to improve the formation of emotional stability by means of self-esteem, psychological attitudes, self-analysis, self-control, self-regulation and self-improvement.
The mechanisms that ensure the reliability and sustainability of professional activity, personal growth and effective results of interaction with students with special educational needs are proposed.
The main criteria of emotional stability as a mechanism of professional self-awareness of specialists in special and inclusive education are identified and developed.
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