Actual problems of physical education and methods of sports training

Academic Journal


Policy (goals and objectives) of the scientific publication

Publication "Current problems of physical education and sports training methods".

The magazine "Actual problems of physical education and methods of sports training" publishes the results of original researches, which are characterized by scientific novelty regarding problems in the field of physical culture and sports. The publication highlights the theoretical and applied aspects of physical education and sports of various population groups, reveals the regularities of sports training.

Scientific directions of the journal:

  1. Physical culture, physical education of different population groups;
  2. Modern system of sports training and problems of its improvement.

The main goal of the magazine is to unite specialists in the field of physical culture and sports and to promote the exchange of scientific results.

The magazine "Actual problems of physical education and methods of sports training" is a reliable source of current information on the problems of the field of physical education and sports for scientists, teachers of higher education institutions, teachers of secondary schools, coaches, doctoral students, graduate students, master's students and students. The developed website of the publication makes it possible to facilitate access to publications for a wide range of interested persons and to improve the communication of researchers.

Open access policy. This journal practices a policy of immediate open access to published content, supporting the principles of free dissemination of scientific information and the global exchange of knowledge for common societal progress.

Review procedure

All articles sent to the editorial board are subject to a review procedure. The review procedure is focused on the most objective assessment of the content of a scientific article, determining its compliance with the requirements of the journal of scientific works and provides for a comprehensive analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the article. Reviewing contributes to the strict selection of author's manuscripts for publication and making specific recommendations regarding them. Only those articles that are valuable from a scientific point of view and contribute to solving current problems and tasks are accepted for publication. The editorial board has determined the following procedure for reviewing manuscripts:

1. The materials sent to the editorial board by e-mail are checked for compliance with the magazine's profile and the rules for preparing articles, and are checked for plagiarism. Manuscripts that do not meet the topic or requirements, have signs of plagiarism, are not registered and are not allowed for further consideration, about which the editorial board notifies the authors.

2. The editorial board makes a decision on the possibility of publishing articles only after the completion of their review procedure. The function of appointing reviewers is entrusted to the editor-in-chief of the journal. He selects candidates for reviewers according to the issues of the article both among the members of the editorial board and among third-party highly qualified specialists in this field. All reviewers are recognized specialists in the subject matter of the reviewed materials, have the closest scientific specialization to the topic of the article.

3. The editor-in-chief personally sends the articles to the reviewers and receives the review texts from them. Interaction between the editor-in-chief (responsible secretary) and reviewers takes place through e-mail correspondence.

4. The review of the article is carried out according to the following criteria:

  1. Correspondence of the title and content of the article to the issues of the magazine;
  2. Correspondence of the title of the article with the content of the presented material;
  3. Correspondence of the annotations to the content of the presented material;
  4. Degree of scientific novelty;
  5. Completeness and representativeness of the research source base;
  6. Taking into account modern research on the problem;
  7. The validity of scientific statements and conclusions;
  8. Literacy and style of presentation of the material;
  9. Availability of main structural elements: UDC index; information about author; title of the article; annotations (at least 1800 characters) and keywords (5-10) in Ukrainian and English; text of the article (10-25 pages); list of sources and literature used (15-25); preparation of the list of used sources and literature according to APA (American Psychological Association), including "References";
  10. Compliance with the requirements for the structure of the article: justification of the relevance of the research problem; analysis of recent research and publications on the topic; purpose of the article; research material and methods; research results; discussion; research conclusions and prospects for further research;
  11. Compliance with technical requirements for the design of the article: font size; line spacing, paragraph indentation; references to sources and literature in the text; drawing up a list of sources and literature.

5. In the case of the reviewer's recommendations for making corrections to the prepared manuscript, the article is sent to the author with a proposal to take the comments into account when preparing an updated version of the article or to refute them with arguments. The corrected version is resubmitted to the reviewer to make a decision and prepare a motivated opinion on the possibility of publication. The editorial board reserves the right to reject the article in the event of the author's inability or unwillingness to take into account the recommendations and comments of the reviewers.

6. After receiving positive reviews, the manuscript is sent for literary and technical editing.

7. If the reviewers' evaluations of some articles differ, the editorial board makes a special decision: accept/reject these articles or appoint new reviewers. If the article is rejected, the Editorial Board informs the author by e-mail about the reasons for rejection. Rejected articles cannot be considered again.

8. The final decision regarding the possibility and expediency of publication is made by the editor-in-chief in accordance with the recommendations of the responsible secretary of the journal. If the article is accepted for publication, the author is notified of a positive decision with an indication of the estimated date of publication of the journal of scientific works.

9. The recommendation regarding the publication of the next issue of the magazine (with an indication of the content) is made by the Academic Council of the Mykhailo Kotsyubynsky Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University and recorded in the corresponding protocol.

Editorial ethics

Ethical obligations of the editorial board of the journal. The editorial board impartially examines all manuscripts that are submitted for publication, objectively assessing the quality of the scientific article regardless of the race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, citizenship or political views of the author, as well as the position or place of work of the author(s) ). The editorial board makes fair and impartial decisions, independent of commercial or other interests and ensures a fair review process.

The editorial board of the journal opposes falsification, plagiarism, submission by the author of one work to several journals, multiple copying of the content of the article in different works, misleading the public about the authors' real contribution to the publication.

The editorial board has the right to withdraw even a published article, under the conditions of finding a violation of someone's rights or generally accepted norms of scientific ethics. The editor notifies both the author who submitted the article and the organization where the work was done about the fact of article withdrawal.

The editor and members of the editorial board do not provide information related to the content of the manuscript under review to anyone other than those involved in the professional evaluation of the manuscript.

After a positive decision of the editor, the article is published in the journal and placed on the relevant electronic resources. In accordance with international legislation regarding the observance of copyright on electronic information resources, the materials of the site, electronic magazine or project may not be reproduced in whole or in part in any form (electronic or printed) without the prior written consent of the magazine editors. When using published materials in the context of other documents, a reference to the original source is required.

Editors, authors, and reviewers must declare their interests that may affect their objectivity when editing and reviewing article materials (case of conflict of interest). These can be intellectual interests, financial, personal, political, religious interests. Preventing illegal publication is the responsibility of every author, editor, reviewer, publisher and organization.

Ethical obligations of reviewers. Reviewing manuscripts is an important step in the publication process. Each scientist is obliged to perform a certain work of the review process. The reviewer must provide an objective assessment of the quality of the manuscript, as well as determine whether the manuscript meets high scientific and literary standards. The reviewer must respect the intellectual independence of the authors. The reviewer must substantiate his conclusions sufficiently convincingly and provide feedback on the manuscript in a timely manner. The manuscript sent for review is a confidential document. A reviewer must not use or disclose unpublished information contained in a submitted manuscript without the consent of the author or authors.

Ethical obligations of the authors. The main responsibility of the author is to provide an accurate report of the research conducted, as well as an objective discussion of its significance. Authors must present their results clearly and unambiguously, without falsifying or improperly manipulating the data obtained. The authors of the articles bear full responsibility for the content of the articles and for the very fact of their publication.

The author should cite those publications that have had a decisive influence on the essence of the work presented, as well as those that can quickly introduce the reader to earlier works important to the understanding of this study. It is also necessary to properly indicate the sources of fundamentally important materials used in this work, if these materials were not obtained by the author himself.

Submission of plagiarism as an original work and submission for publication of a previously published article is unacceptable. In cases where these facts are discovered, the authors of the provided materials are responsible.

Co-authors of the article should be all those persons who made a significant scientific contribution to the presented work and who share responsibility for the results obtained. The author who submits the manuscript for publication is responsible for ensuring that only those persons who meet the criteria of authorship are included in the list of co-authors and assumes responsibility for the consent of other authors of the article for its publication in the journal. Authors should notify the editor of any potential conflict of interest that could be affected by the publication of the results contained in this manuscript.

Authors must clearly indicate the sources of all quoted or presented information and must properly cite references to literary sources used in the work in accordance with established requirements. If the author discovers significant errors in the article at the stage of its review or after its publication, it is necessary to inform the editors of the journal as soon as possible. The editorial board has the right to refuse publication of an article if the editorial requirements are not met.

Copyright provisions

Authors who publish in this journal agree to the following terms:

  1. The authors reserve the right to authorship of their work and transfer the right to the first publication of this work to the magazine under the terms of the Creative license Commons Attribution License , which allows others to freely distribute the published work with a mandatory reference to the authors of the original work and the first publication of the work in this journal.
  2. Authors have the right to enter into independent additional agreements regarding the non-exclusive distribution of the work in the form in which it was published by this journal (for example, to place the work in the institution's electronic repository or to publish it as part of a monograph), provided that a link to the first publication of the work in this journal is preserved.
  3. The journal's policy allows and encourages authors to post their manuscripts on the Internet (for example, in institutional repositories or on personal websites ), both before submitting the manuscript to the editorial office and during its editorial processing, as this contributes to the emergence of a productive scientific discussion and has a positive effect on the efficiency and dynamics of citation of the published work.

Conflict of Interest

A conflict of interest may exist when an author (or the institution to which he or she belongs), an external reviewer, or a member of the editorial board has a financial or personal relationship that could adversely affect their relationship. This conflict may exist even if the subject claims not to be affected by such relationships. Editors can manage such conflicts by trying to avoid them by all means possible and, at the same time, working with maximum transparency in all cases.

As a general rule, to avoid potential conflicts of interest, the journal's policy is to avoid reviewing or discussing publications written or edited by any of the editors and their close relatives.


Authors who publish in this journal agree to the following terms:

Authors retain the right to authorship of their work and transfer to the journal the right of first publication of this work under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which allows others to freely distribute the published work with mandatory reference to the authors of the original work and the first publication of the work in this journal.

The author reserves the right, without the consent of the editorial board and the founders of the publication: to use the materials of the article in whole or in part for educational purposes; to use the materials of the article in whole or in part for writing their own works.; to use the materials of the articles for the preparation of abstracts, conference reports and oral presentations; place electronic copies of the article (including the final electronic version downloaded from the official website of the journal) on: personal web resources of all authors (websites, web pages, blogs, etc.); web resources of the institutions where the authors work (including electronic institutional repositories); non-commercial open access web resources.


All materials submitted to the journal are checked for plagiarism using the Unicheck and StrikePlagiarism software. Editors and reviewers are required to report any case of suspected plagiarism.

Authors must clearly cite sources and indicate the use of other people's materials where necessary. All articles that contain citations of other people's sources must provide full bibliographical information about these sources.

If plagiarism is detected, the article is rejected or sent for revision.


The journal "Actual problems of physical education and methods of sports training" adheres to the STM Guidelines on Preservation of the Objective Record of Science:“Articles that have been published should remain intact, accurate, and unaltered to the greatest extent possible.” 

Recognizing a published article as the definitive version means that it can be relied upon as accurate, complete, and citation-worthy.

Occasionally, after publication, it may be necessary to make changes to the version of the record. This will be done after careful review by the editor, with the support of the journal’s editorial board, to ensure that any necessary changes are made in accordance with the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Any necessary changes will be accompanied by a post-publication notification that will be permanently linked to the original article so that readers are fully informed of any necessary changes. This may take the form of a correction notification, a concern, a retraction, and, in rare cases, a deletion. The purpose of this mechanism for making changes, which is permanent and transparent, is to ensure the integrity of the scientific record.

All corrections, concerns, and retraction notifications are freely available at the time of publication.

Authors should notify the journal editorial board as soon as possible if they discover errors in a published article, especially errors that may affect the interpretation of data or the reliability of the information presented. The corresponding author is responsible for reaching consensus among all listed co-authors before submitting any requests for corrections or retractions.

A correction notice is sent when an error or omission needs to be corrected that could affect the interpretation of the article, but the scientific integrity of the article remains intact. Examples include incorrect figure citation, missing key funding information, or competing interests of the authors.

All major errors are accompanied by a separate correction notice. The correction notice should clearly state the error and the changes made to the version of the entry.

Any minor errors will not be accompanied by a separate correction notice. Instead, a footnote will be added to the article to inform the reader that the article has been corrected. Minor errors do not affect the reliability or the reader's understanding of the scientific content.


The policy and retraction of published articles is based on the guidelines, recommendations and standards of international professional organizations, primarily the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) (COPE's Retraction guidelines).

A retraction notice will be issued if a serious error (e.g. in the analysis or methods) renders the conclusions of the article invalid, or if there has been misconduct in the research or publication (e.g. research without the necessary ethical approvals, fabricated data, image manipulation, plagiarism, duplicate publication, etc.). The decision to retract an article will be made in accordance with COPE guidelines and will involve an investigation by the editorial board in collaboration with the editor. Authors and institutions may request a retraction of their articles if their reasons meet the criteria for retraction.

Retraction will be considered:

Expressions of Concern

In some cases, a notification of an expression of concern may be considered if a concern of a serious nature is raised (e.g., serious research or publication misconduct), but if the outcome of the investigation is inconclusive or if due to various difficulties the investigation will not be completed for a significant period of time.

Once the investigation is complete, a retraction or correction may follow the expression of concern, and all will remain part of the permanent published record, along with the original article.

Publication of an expression of concern will be considered if:

There is inconclusive evidence of misconduct by the authors in the research or publication, but the nature of the concern requires notification to readers.

There are reasonable concerns that the results are unreliable or that misconduct may have occurred, but there has been limited cooperation from the authors’ institution(s) in investigating the concerns raised.

An investigation into alleged misconduct related to the publication is underway, which has not or would not be fair, impartial, or conclusive.

An investigation is ongoing, but a resolution will not be available for a significant period of time, and the nature of the concern requires notification to readers.

The expression of concern will be linked to the published article to which it relates.

Updates and scholarly discussion of published articles


Addendums are notifications of additions to an article. Additions should not contradict the original publication and should not be used to correct errors (for which a correction notice will be published), but if the author needs to update or add some key information, this may be published as an addendum. Addendums may be peer-reviewed in accordance with journal policy and are usually subject to the oversight of the journal's editors.

Comments are short articles that provide observations on a published article. In cases where a comment on a published article is sent to the journal's editor, it may be subject to peer review. The comment will be sent to the authors of the published article, who will be invited to respond.

This author's response may again be subject to peer review and will be forwarded to the commenter, who may be asked to submit a reply. The reply may be subject to peer review and provided to the authors of the published article. Further correspondence will not be considered for publication. The editor may decide to reject correspondence at any time before the comment, reply, and reply are completed.

All published comments, replies, and replies must be related to the published article to which they relate.