About the Journal
The collection of scientific works "Physical culture, sports and health of the nation" publishes the results of original research, which are characterized by scientific novelty regarding problems in the field of physical culture and sports. The publication covers the theoretical and applied aspects of physical education and sports of various groups of population, medical and biological problems of physical education and physical rehabilitation, reveals the regularities of sports training.
Scientific directions of the collection:
- Scientific and methodological foundations of the use of physical education for efficiency increasing and health strengthening of various groups of the population.
- Modern system of sports training and problems of its improvement.
- Medical and biological problems of physical education, physical rehabilitation and sports.
- Philosophical, historical, psychological and socio-economic aspects of the physical culture and sports development.
The main purpose of the collection – the association of specialists in the field of physical culture and sports and promotion the exchange of scientific results.
The collection is included in the list of scientific professional editions of Ukraine in which the results of dissertation papers for obtaining the scientific degrees of the doctor of philosophy (candidate of sciences) and doctors of physical education and sports may be published ( the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 975 dated 07/11/2019).
The collection of scientific works "Physical Culture, Sport and Health of the Nation" is a reliable source of up-to-date information on problems of the field of physical culture and sports for scientists, teachers of higher education institutions, teachers of secondary schools, trainers, doctoral students, postgraduates, undergraduates and students. The developed web site of the publication makes it easier to access publications for a wide range of stakeholders and to improve the communication of researchers.
Open Access Policy. This collection practices the policy of immediate open access to published content, supporting the principles of the free dissemination of scientific information and the global exchange of knowledge for the sake of universal social progress.
All articles sent to the editorial board are subject to a review procedure. The review procedure focuses on the most objective assessment of the content of the scientific article, the definition of its compliance with the requirements of the collection of scientific works and provides a comprehensive analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the article. Reviewing contributes to the strict selection of author's manuscripts for publication and the issuance of specific recommendations for them. Only those articles that are scientifically valuable and contribute to solving actual problems and tasks are accepted for printing. The editors defined the following order of reviewing manuscripts:
- The materials sent to the editorial board by e-mail are checked for compliance with the collection profile and the rules for preparing the articles. Manuscripts that do not correspond to topics or requirements are not recorded and are not allowed for further consideration, which the editorial board notifies the authors of.
- The editorial board decides on the possibility of publishing articles only after the completion of their review process. The function of appointing reviewers is assigned to the chief editor of the collection. He selects the nominees of reviewers in accordance with the issue of the article, among the members of the editorial board, and among another highly skilled specialists in this field. All reviewers are recognized experts in the topics of the reviewed materials, which are most closely related to the topic of scientific specialization.
- The chief editor personally sends articles to reviewers and receives from them texts of reviews. The interaction between the author and the reviewers is carried out by correspondence by e-mail with the editor-in-chief of the collection.
- Reviewing the article is carried out according to the following criteria: originality and scientific novelty of the article; completeness and representativeness of the source base; taking into account modern research on the problem; substantiation of scientific positions and conclusions; compliance with the requirements for the structure of the article; literacy and stylistics of presentation of the material; correctness of quotes.
- In the case of recommendations by the reviewer on making adjustments to the prepared manuscript, the article is sent to the author with a proposal to take into account the comments when preparing an updated version of the article or to substantiate their refutation. The corrected version is repeatedly submitted to the reviewer for making a decision and to prepare a motivated conclusion about the possibility of publication. The editorial board reserves the right to reject the article in case of insolvency or unwillingness of the author to take into account the recommendations and comments of the reviewers.
- After obtaining positive reviews the manuscript is sent to the literary and technical editing.
- If the reviewers' assessments of some articles are discrepancies, the editorial board makes a special decision: to accept / reject these articles or appoint new reviewers. If the article is rejected, the editorial board informs the author of the reasons for refusal by e-mail. Rejected articles can not be reviewed again.
- The final decision on the possibility and appropriateness of publication is made by the editor chief editor according to the recommendations of the executive secretary of the collection. In case of acceptance of an article for publication, the author reports a positive decision indicating an oriented period for the publication of a collection of scientific works.
- The recommendation on the publication of the next issue of the collection (with the indication of content) is carried out by the Academic Council of the Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University and fixed in the relevant protocol.
Ethical obligations of the editorial board of the collection. The editorial board considers, without prejudice, all manuscripts submitted for publication, objectively assessing the quality of a scientific article regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, citizenship or political views of the author, as well as the position or place of work of the author (authors ) The editorial board makes fair and impartial decisions that are independent from commercial or other interests and provides an honest review process.
The editorial board of the collection opposes falsification, plagiarism, sending the author of one work to several journals, copying the content of the article in various works repeatedly, misleading the public about the authors' real contribution to publishing.
The editorial board has the right to remove even a published article, in case of finding out the violation of someone's rights or generally accepted norms of scientific ethics. The fact of the removal of an article is reported by the editor as the author who provided the article and the organization where the work was performed.
The editor and editors do not provide other persons with information related to the content of the manuscript under consideration, except for persons involved in the professional assessment of this manuscript.
After a positive editorial decision, the article is published in the collection and posted on the appropriate electronic resources. In accordance with international law, in respect of copyright compliance, electronic information resources, materials of the site, electronic collection or project can not be reproduced in whole or in part in any form (electronic or printed) without the prior written consent of the editorial staff. When using published materials in the context of other documents, a reference to the original source is required.
Editors, authors, and reviewers must report their interests, which may affect their objectivity when editing and reviewing article materials (conflict of interest). Such may be the interests of the intellectual plan, financial, personal, political, religious interests. Preventing illegal publications is the responsibility of each author, editor, reviewer, publisher and organization.
Ethical obligations of reviewers. Reviewing manuscripts is an important stage in the publication process. Each scientist is required to perform some work on the review process. The reviewer must provide an objective assessment of the quality of the manuscript, as well as determine whether the manuscript corresponds to high scientific and literary standards. The reviewer must respect the intellectual independence of the authors. The reviewer must substantiate his findings with sufficient convincing and timely feedback on the manuscript. The manuscript sent to the review is a confidential document. The reviewer should not use or disclose unpublished information contained in the provided manuscript without the consent of the author or authors.
Ethical commitment of authors. The main responsibility of the author is to provide an accurate record of the study, as well as an objective discussion of its significance. Authors should present their results clearly and unambiguously, without forgery of the data received or improper manipulation of them. The authors of the articles bear all responsibility for the content of the articles and for the very fact of their publication.
The author must cite the publications that have had a decisive influence on the nature of the work presented, as well as those that can quickly introduce the reader to earlier work important to understanding this research. It is also necessary to specify the sources of material of essential importance used in this work, if these materials were not obtained by the author.
It is inadmissible to present plagiarism as an original work and submit to the publication of a previously published article. In cases of detection of these facts, the authors bear the responsibility for the materials provided.
Co-authors of the article should be all those who have made a significant scientific contribution to the work presented and who share responsibility for the results. The author who represents the manuscript for publication is responsible for ensuring that the list of collaborators includes only those persons who meet the criterion of authorship and assumes responsibility for the consent of the other authors of the article for its publication in the collection. The authors must inform the editor of any potential conflicts of interest that could be affected by the publication of the results contained in this manuscript.
Authors should clearly indicate the sources of all quoted or submitted information and should duly draw reference to the literary sources used in the work, in accordance with the established requirements. If the author reveals significant errors or inaccuracies in the article at the stage of its consideration or after its publication, the editorial office of the collection should be informed as soon as possible. The editorial board has the right to refuse to publish the article in case of non-compliance with editorial requirements.
The authors who are published in this collection agree with the following terms:
- The authors reserve the right to authorship of their work and transfer to the collection the right to first publish this work under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which allows other persons to freely distribute published work with a mandatory reference to the authors of the original work and the first publication of the work in this collection
- Authors have the right to conclude separate additional agreements for the non-exclusive distribution of work in the form in which it was published by this collection (for example, posting work in the electronic repository of an institution or publishing as a part of the monograph), provided that the reference to the first publication of the work in this is maintained collection
- The policy of the collection allows and encourages the publication of the work manuscript on the Internet (for example, in repositories of institutions or on personal web sites), both before the submission of this manuscript to the editorial staff and during its editorial work, as it promotes the emergence of productive scientific discussions and positively affects the efficiency and dynamics of the citation of the published work.