
  • Boris Kokarev
  • Svitlana Kokareva
  • Darya Solyanik
  • Yury Dudnyk
  • Svyatoslav Danilchenko



sports aerobics, aerobic gymnastics, functional training, fitness training, physical training, methodology, period


Recently, in the training methodology of qualified athletes in various sports, more and more attention is paid to the organization of the training process to attract innovative methods of physical training, functional and conditioned training technologies borrowed from wellness fitness training have begun to be widely used. The purpose of this study is to substantiate the feasibility of using innovative fitness training methods to improve the special physical fitness of qualified athletes in sports aerobics. Materials and methods. The study involved 24 athletes of the Ukrainian national team aged 18-26 years. Qualification of athletes: 5-Masters of sports of international class, the rest – Masters of sports of Ukraine. Indicators of physical fitness of the study participants were recorded. Results. Indicators of physical fitness of female athletes under the influence of modern methods of physical training are determined: TRX, HIIT, Functional Step, Tabata, 6DSliding, MAX. It is confirmed that the selected methods meet the main requirements for competitive activities in sports aerobics. The effectiveness of using innovative fitness training techniques in the construction of the training process for physical training of qualified athletes is proved. In a cross-sectional experiment, their influence and effectiveness were tested, and the main hypothesis of the study was confirmed. Conclusion. Both experimental blocks of innovative fitness training techniques have fully confirmed their effectiveness. The expediency of their use in the program of physical training of qualified athletes in sports aerobics during the preparatory periods of the annual training cycle has been experimentally proved.

Author Biographies

  • Boris Kokarev

    Національний університет «Запорізька політехніка», вул.Жуковського, 64, м.Запоріжжя, 69063, Україна

  • Svitlana Kokareva

    Національний університет «Запорізька політехніка», вул.Жуковського, 64, м.Запоріжжя, 69063, Україна

  • Darya Solyanik

    Національний університет «Запорізька політехніка», вул.Жуковського, 64, м.Запоріжжя, 69063, Україна 

  • Yury Dudnyk

    Національний університет «Запорізька політехніка», вул.Жуковського, 64, м.Запоріжжя, 69063, Україна 

  • Svyatoslav Danilchenko

    Національний університет «Запорізька політехніка», вул.Жуковського, 64, м.Запоріжжя, 69063, Україна


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