
  • Oksana Komotska
  • Ruslana Sushko



technical and tactical training, basketball, program, educational and training meetings


Modern trends in basketball stipulate new demands and the need to improve effective approaches to the preparation of a high-quality athletes’ reserve. It is shown the possibility to apply the special exercises during the limited period of the educational and training camp, which contributes to increasing the technical and tactical level of young female basketball players. The aim of the study is to substantiate and experimentally verify the effectiveness of the experimental program on technical and tactical training for young female basketball players at the precompetitive stage of the preparatory period of the macrocycle. Methods of research: analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature, Internet resources; testing, experiment. Results. The experimental program to improve the technical and tactical level of young female basketball players, based on the quality of performing the specialized coordination elements, was developed and implemented in the precompetitive period of the preparatory macrocycle during the training camp. The basketballers were tested by six types of tests. The results of the three stage sequential experiment were analyzed and interpreted.Conclusions. The implementation of the experimental program for increasing the technical and tactical level of basketballers has confirmed the announced hypothesis about the effectiveness of concentrated emphasis on the quality of performing specific types of the technical and tactical exercises. Based on the experiment and analysis of the results about the evaluation of the technical and tactical level of young female basketball players, it is possible to state that the implementation of the program for improvement of technical and tactical level contributed to the positive dynamics of increasing individual indicators by all tests (6). Some tests have a difference between the statistically significant indicators at <0.05 and p <0.01.

Author Biographies

  • Oksana Komotska

    Київський університет імені Бориса Грінченка, вул. Бульварно-Кудрявська 18/2, м. Київ, 04053,

  • Ruslana Sushko

    Київський університет імені Бориса Грінченка, вул. Бульварно-Кудрявська 18/2, м. Київ, 04053,


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