Features of emotional intelligence of basketball players of different qualifications


  • Мар’яна Сенів Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського




basketball, emotions, team performance, motivation, sports result


Relevance of the research topic. Modern
sports psychology poses a number of relevant
applied tasks, one of which is to increase the
emotional stability of athletes during the
competitive period. Analyzing the research of
scientists, it was determined that the
development of emotional intelligence is
positively reflected in the increase in the level
of psychological preparedness of athletes, their
successful adaptation to the conditions of
competitive activity, which confirms the
relevance of the research topic. The purpose
of the study: to determine the level of
emotional intelligence of basketball players of
various qualifications. Research material and
methods. The participants of the study were
qualified basketball players (n=30). The
research used methods of theoretical analysis
and generalization of data from scientific and
methodological literature; psychological
testing; methods of mathematical statistics.
Work results. It was established that the
specifics of sports activities contribute, on the
one hand, to an increase in the level of
development of emotional intelligence and all
its components, and on the other hand, to a
decrease in the level of situational anxiety
before a responsible test. Important factors in
the regulation of anxiety in sports, in addition
to self-motivation and the desire to understand
one's own emotions, are also the ability to
manage one's own emotions, empathy,
knowledge about emotions and the ability to
recognize the emotions of other people. We
analyzed the impact of emotional intelligence
on sports achievements in various sports and
determined the level of its formation in
basketball players of various qualifications.
Key findings. As a result of the research, it
was established that the level of emotional
intelligence of basketball players who
represented the team of the 1st league of Ukraine and the student league corresponds to
the average value .

Author Biography

  • Мар’яна Сенів, Вінницький державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського

    Сенів М. В.; orcid.org/0000-0002-7781-1579; senivm2022@gmail.com; Вінницький
    державний педагогічний університет імені Михайла Коцюбинського, вул. Острозького, 32,
    Вінниця, 21000, Україна.


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Тест на визначення емоційного інтелекту https://www.idrlabs.com/ua/globaleq/test.php



