The purpose of the paper is to justify the chemical experiment using while forming chemical knowledge for the future labor training teachers in the discipline ”Chemistry (for the professional purpose)” as the chemical experiment is an effective method and tool for conscious knowledge and practical skills formation, it facilitates the interest and students’ motivation to learn Chemistry as an unprofessional discipline improving.
Such general scientific (theoretical and empirical) methods were used to reveal the topic of the research as the methodological and psyche-pedagogical literature, system-structural analysis to establish the interdisciplinary connections, observation, the chemical component of the professional training of the future teachers of labor training highlight.
In the process of the study, the comparative analysis of different kinds of chemical experiments was conducted, and its goals in the educational process were stated. The leading didactic principles of the content of the chemical experiment building are professional orientation and integration with the professional disciplines. In the purpose of the professionally oriented Chemistry teaching for the future labor training teachers realization, the chemical experiment while conducting the lecture and laboratory classes were used. It was found that the educational experiment is not only an important factor in the students’ positive motivation in the process of Chemistry learning formation, but also it increases their cognitive level. The chemical experiment, which was included in the laboratory trainings, provides the experimental confirmation of the theoretical principles’ essence, the features of the substances and their quantitative and qualitative characteristic establishment.
It was proposed to use the professionally oriented assignments, which were developed as a result of the coordination of the content and structure of the academic discipline “Chemistry (for the professional purpose)” and the disciplines from the cycle of the professional and practical preparation to ensure the didactic objectives of the chemical experiment.
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