Potential to implement integration at the level of modes of action while studying natural science
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integrated learning, natural science, model program, activity approach, observation, classification

How to Cite

Potential to implement integration at the level of modes of action while studying natural science. (2023). Scientific Notes of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Section Theory and Methods of Teaching Natural Sciences, 4, 21-28. https://doi.org/10.31652/2786-5754-2023-4-21-28


The article considers the problem of integrated learning based on an activity approach. Within this method, the issue of integration at the level of modes of action (skills) of the content of the subjects remains relevant. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to identify and substantiate the application of the particular examples of activity approach to the integration of the educational material content while studying the integrated course "Natural Science" in 5-6th grades. The article states that the creation and implementation of new model programs "Know the Nature" within the educational field of natural sciences are a new stage of integration of the content of science in comprehensive educational institutions. It is determined what specifies the thematic and activity approach to the integration of the discipline content. The article emphasizes that the activity approach is integration at the level of modes of action, and skills. The main task of the activity approach is acquiring such skills in the learning process. While studying according to this method, some operations will be applied to the bodies and phenomena of animate and inanimate nature, which are quite distant in origin, character, features, and properties, that actually will be an element of integrated learning at the level of modes of action. It is specified that the acquired skills could be further used to solve various educational and life problems of a natural character. The article highlights that the activity approach to integrated learning provides a teacher with academic freedom. This means that it enables an educator to change the subject of the study as long as his actions are relevant to a certain issue described in the model program. It is outlined that in natural disciplines, there is a necessity to carry on some lessons outside the school. So, certain hours for classes in the open air should be reserved within the calendar-thematic planning. The examples of the activity approach in the design of an integrated natural science lesson in 5-6th grades could help teachers of this course to handle the features of the numerous model programs «Know the Nature», which are offered to implement.

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