Options for studying the topic “Atom structure. Periodic law and periodic table” as the means of individual educational trajectory projecting of a teacher trainee while teaching practice
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teaching practice, educational program in Chemistry, individual educational trajectory, scientific and methodological approaches to topic studying, graphs method

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Options for studying the topic “Atom structure. Periodic law and periodic table” as the means of individual educational trajectory projecting of a teacher trainee while teaching practice. (2023). Scientific Notes of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Section Theory and Methods of Teaching Natural Sciences, 1, 94-111. https://doi.org/10.31652/2786-5754-2021-1-94-111


The research is aimed to define peculiarities of methodological approaches to periodic law studying during school course of chemistry and creating an individual

education trajectory (IET) of a teacher trainee for its further implementation during teaching practice. The following objectives have been specified: to perform an analysis of educational programs in Chemistry from the point of a correspondent scientific approach implementation while studying of periodic law, periodic table and atom structure; ground the sequence of educational material on the topic from the point of logical, scientific and methodological approach; provide options of projecting and IET implementation during teaching practice. In the process of research, methods of analysis, synthesis, generalization, analogy as well as hypothesis and deduction have been used.

It is shown that Methods of Chemistry teaching include three approved approaches to studying periodic law, periodic table and atom structure which are historic, logical and historical and logical. However, modern educational program in Chemistry is found not to consider the above-mentioned approaches while projecting educational material on the topic «Atom structure. Periodic law and periodic table». During structuring of educational material on the topic «Atom structure. Periodic law and periodic table» the sequence of the content has been defined according to scientific, logical and methodological approach. Projecting of IET of a student while teaching practice presupposes considering a range of subjective and objective factors which stipulate the choice of scientific and methodological approach to studying the topic «Atom structure. Periodic law and periodic table». The decisive factors among those are the level of studying abilities of both – a teacher trainee and students, as well as the level of professional pedagogical motivation development of a trainee. Defined stages of IET implementation of a teacher trainee (prognostic, diagnostic, projecting, mobilizational, process and action, assessment and reflexive, correction) are discussed in the context of definite topic studying. As a research prospective, the implementation of the projected individual educational trajectories of teachers- trainees during teaching practice is planned as well as further verification of their effectiveness.

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