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mobile technologies, mobile applications, educational process, educational physical experiment

How to Cite

POSSIBILITIES OF USING MOBILE TECHNOLOGIES DURING AN EDUCATIONAL PHYSICAL EXPERIMENT. (2024). Scientific Notes of Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University Section Theory and Methods of Teaching Natural Sciences, 7, 32-38. https://doi.org/10.31652/2786-5754-2024-7-32-38


The article discusses modern approaches to the integration of mobile technologies into the educational process, in particular during physical experiments. The potential of mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, to perform experimental tasks in physics has been analyzed, which significantly expands the capabilities of educational laboratories and increases the efficiency of the educational process. The purpose of the article is to clarify the expediency of using mobile technologies during the organization and conduct of an educational physical experiment. The research was based on a comprehensive approach, which included the analysis of scientific and methodical sources, periodicals, Internet resources regarding the possibilities of using mobile technologies in the educational process, in particular in the study of physics. Modern mobile applications, tools and platforms that can be used in educational physical experiments were also analyzed. The main attention is paid to mobile applications that make it possible to measure physical quantities, model and visualize physical processes in real time. The use of such technologies greatly simplifies conducting experiments both in the classroom and in distance learning conditions. It is emphasized that mobile technologies make it possible to reduce the need for expensive laboratory equipment. This makes education more accessible to a wide range of students. The advantages of using mobile technologies during physical experiments are highlighted, including convenience, accessibility, the possibility of instant data analysis and their visualization. In addition, the issue of individualization of training is taken into account, when each student can work independently at his own pace, using various applications and technologies. Mobile devices allow you to conduct physical experiments even at home, which significantly expands the opportunities for independent work of students.

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