The purpose of the article is to clarify the essence of the concept of «information and digital competence» and to reveal the main ways of developing information and digital competence in students of secondary education institutions in the process of teaching chemistry. The relevance of this study is due to such factors as: the growing role of digital technologies in chemical education; the need to update the content of education in accordance with the requirements of the modern information society; ensuring the integration of information and digital technologies in teaching chemistry; reforming education in Ukraine and implementing the concept of the New Ukrainian School, the development of students' digital literacy is defined as one of the key competencies. The theoretical analysis made it possible to find out that the information and digital competence of a student is the ability of an individual to effectively use information and communication technologies to process, analyze, systematize and generalize the information received. The article presents the subject content of information and digital competence and educational resources for its formation in the process of teaching chemistry, which are defined in the curriculum for secondary education institutions, which consists of skills, attitudes and educational resources. The main ways of developing students' information and digital competence in the process of teaching chemistry are identified and characterized, namely: the use of electronic educational resources; the use of virtual chemical laboratories; the use of digital laboratories; work with information sources; integration of students' project and research activities; training in information ethics; the use of multimedia teaching aids.
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