Psychological and didactic fundamentals of modern educational technologies of visualization


visualization; psychological and didactic fundamentals of the educational process; modern visualization technologies; professional training; educational environment

How to Cite

Psychological and didactic fundamentals of modern educational technologies of visualization. (2023). Pedeutology, 1(1), 36-43.


The relevance of the studied issues is that the introduction of modern technologies of visualization of educational information in the educational environment of higher school is a tool for ensuring the quality of professional training. Accordingly, there is a need to determine the psychological and didactic fundamentals of this process in order to use them as efficiently as possible.

The purpose of the given study is to determine the psychological and didactic fundamentals of modern educational technologies of visualization and to formulate practical recommendations for their implementation in the educational process of higher school.

Based on the outlined features of the cognitive activity of modern generation (the ability to quickly switch between different semantic fragments, high speed of information processing, preference for perceiving information in a figurative form, inability to perceive linear information, etc.), the most significant cognitive needs of modern students are characterized. Prospective technologies for visualizing educational information (mind maps, scribing, video scribing, etc.) and methodical features of their use in the process of professional training are characterized. The tasks of modern visualization tools are defined (tool for improving the educational process, concentrated presentation of educational material, provision of the correspondence of educational material corresponds to the psychophysiological characteristics of students and rational organization of educational and cognitive activities of students). The author's experience in the use of modern visualization technologies, which are based on the application of modern software products, in the process of professional training of future specialists has been presented.



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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2023 Sofiia Dembitska, Iryna Kobylianska, Oleksandr Kobylianskyi, Vitalina Puhach


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