The substantiation of the conceptual foundations of ecological awareness by the subject of practical research is the cognitive goal of this article. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the influence of factors of the formation of environmental awareness in the genesis of psychosomatic dysfunctions of students of higher education institutions. In the research process, such methods as analysis, systematization, synthesis, generalization, concretization, comparison and psychodiagnostic methods were applied, using such methods as "Aesop", "Alternative", "Dominant" and the method "Assessment of the level of development of personality’s adaptive abilities of A. Maklakov, S. Chermianina". Due to the author's psychodiagnostic questionnaire, by using quantitative and qualitative assessment criteria, individuals with psychosomatic dysfunctions were selected and divided into three groups: individuals with cardiovascular defects, with gastrointestinal tract dysfunction, and skin defects. The scientific novelty is the conceptual basis of the study of students' environmental awareness in the structure of psychosomatic interactions under the conditions of the eco-environment of higher education institutions.
Interrelation between psychological stability and the level of life stress in the educational institution's eco-environment was experimentally revealed. It turned out that a high level of life tension is not a constitutional prerequisite for the emergence of psychosomatic complaints. In the subjects of the experimental group with a high level of subjective stress, a low indicator of psychological stability is a predicate for the development of psychosomatic dysfunctions (the probability of the disease was 92%), while high indicators of stability contribute to the preservation of health (somatization took only 10%). In addition, a high level of psychological stability of an individual is associated with a developed imagination and creativity in non-standard situations, with a high level of stress. Adequate awareness and assessment of the situation, a person's persistent experience of his actions and circumstances, which are the result of personal choice and responsibility, in somatically ill individuals with high vitality acquire the value of a resource, experience that allows to adapt to health problems, harmoniously transforming meaningful life orientations. Somatic complaints of such respondents are caused by unpleasant life events, pessimistic and depressed mood in their surroundings, that is, all those components of modern life that have already become a habit in interaction with the environment.
The conclusion indicates the interdependence of mental and emotional factors in the formation of environmental awareness of students in institutions of higher education, explains the concept of complex psychosomatic processes that support the integrity of the organism. The imbalance between psyche and somatics produced by this interaction determines the level of professional training of the student in the educational environment. Their conceptual basis is psychogenies of the somatoform type, with predominant vegetative disorders, which is connected with the psychoanalytic interpretation of an unconscious intrapsychic neurotic complex. The origin of the symptomatology imitating physical pathology is explained by conversion mechanisms as a result of the lack of adaptive psychological protection and stability.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Inessa Viznіuk, Serhii Dolynnyi, Кateryna Volokhata, Julia Gorbaniuk