The article reveals the concept of ‘Psychological competence of teachers within the framework of the ecological approach’ and ‘Ecological approach in overcoming the internal conflict of teachers’. The purpose of the article is to justify the psychological competence in overcoming the internal conflict of teachers within the framework of the ecological approach. A model of psychocorrection of VC in the situation of psychosomatic disorders and a lecture course ‘Correction-relaxation training Recovery of resistance to conflict personality’ have been developed regarding the prevention of internal imbalance of teachers in the conditions of the eco-environment of higher educational institutions. Psychological support of teachers in the conditions of higher education is offered, which is a complex of psychologically determined measures that ensure the improvement of the effectiveness of pedagogical activities and the qualification of a person. At the motivational and value stage of the proposed model, professional motives (stable orientation of interests and needs) were determined, which are expressed in awareness of the social significance of one's activity and understanding of professional values aimed at self-realization in the process of activity. The criterion for the formation of the cognitive stage is the presence of scientific and theoretical (general cultural training), operational knowledge and abilities to organize professional activities. The reflexive-regulatory stage is characterized by the existing capacity for self-regulation and reflection.Solving the problems of the internal conflict of the individual within the framework of the ecological approach can be seen in the formation of a constructive model of behavior, the resolution of conflict situations positively in the conditions of an educational institution with the improvement of psychological influence and the humanization of the system of the educational process. This approach can contribute to the improvement of interpersonal relations, the establishment of emotional contacts with one's environment, the improvement of professional development and the restoration of conflict resistance of teachers.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Serhii Dolynnyi, Anna Dolynna