Оптимізація адаптаційних можливостей здобувачів першого курсу спеціальності психологія
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Ключові слова

адаптаційні можливості, здобувачі першого року навчання спеціальності психологія, дезадаптивність, соціально-психологічна адаптація

Як цитувати

Комар, Т. (2024). Оптимізація адаптаційних можливостей здобувачів першого курсу спеціальності психологія. Personality and Environmental Issues, 3(1), 70-76. https://doi.org/10.31652/2786-6033-2024-3(1)-70-76


An important task today is the preparation qualified psychologists. Psychological specialists take an active part in preserving the mental and psychological health of the population. It is important that during their education, psychology students not only have the opportunity to acquire professional competencies but also are equipped with practical self-help skills and the optimization of adaptive abilities. The scientific article presents the results of a study of the peculiarities of adaptive capabilities of first-year students majoring in psychology.
The results of the research have shown that the first-year psychology students under study are mostly unable to meet their current needs and realize related meaningful goals, they do not feel responsible for everything that happens to them in life and do not think that they can influence their own lives. There are also possible problems with adequate self-esteem, negative self-presentation, and inadequate aspiration levels. However, a high level of self-acceptance indicates a positive attitude towards oneself, and unconditional acceptance of oneself as one is, while maintaining self-criticism, which can contribute to successful social and psychological adaptation.
At the same time, the findings of the research indicate that the respondents try to assess emerging situations in their lives objectively, but they either do not succeed immediately or are not entirely confident in their abilities, capabilities, and experience. That is why it is possible to disturb the emotional balance and reduce working capacity. At the same time, there is a predominance of high levels of personal anxiety, which indicates that the subjects are experiencing dissatisfaction with themselves and their lives, feelings of uncertainty, shyness, constraint in relationships, and the presence of internal conflicts. Behaviorally, they are oriented towards the opinions of others, fearful of criticism and negative external evaluation. There may be problems with adequate self-esteem, negative self-presentation, and a corresponding negative attitude toward personal life and leading activities.
According to the results of the correlation analysis, it was found that the indicator of maladaptive behavior is positively influenced by such factors as rejection of themselves (0.570), rejection of others (0.725), emotional discomfort (0.865), external control (0.804), dependence (0.591), escapism (0.632), situational and personal anxiety (0.627; 0.651). These research findings may indicate that the scores on the scales of self-acceptance, rejection of others, emotional discomfort, external control, dependence, and escapism are interdependent with maladaptation and provoke its occurrence.
Considering the research results, it is important to offer the first-year psychology students under study to participate in a program to optimize their adaptive capabilities, which will significantly reduce manifestations of maladaptation and foster the development of the individual's adaptive potential.

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