No. 1 (2024)
Methodological training of math teachers

Formation of the readiness of future mathematics teachers to use digital didactic games
Alina Voievoda
Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University
Mykhailo Prytuliak
Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University

Published 2024-08-06


  • computer games, digital games, digital didactic games, process of teaching mathematics, training of future mathematics teachers

How to Cite

Formation of the readiness of future mathematics teachers to use digital didactic games. (2024). Didactics of Mathematics: Theory, Experience, Innovations, 1, 88-106.


The article deals with the use of digital didactic games in teaching mathematics. The purpose of the article is to consider the methods of forming future mathematics teachers' readiness to use digital didactic games in mathematics lessons in general secondary education institutions. A systematic analysis of scientific and methodological sources was used to determine the ways and methods of forming future mathematics teachers' readiness to use digital didactic games. A definitional analysis of the content of the concepts of "computer game", "digital game", "video game", "electronic game", "browser game", "mobile game" is carried out. It is established that they are related, but not identical. In our own research, we will use the term "digital didactic game" and interpret it as a game that takes place with the help of programmable digital devices that form an interactive system, are stored on digital media and played on digital equipment. They are used in conjunction with other teaching tools, not replacing traditional classes, but complementing them, being part of their structure.

It has been established that the formation of future mathematics teachers' readiness to use digital didactic games in their professional activities can be carried out in different ways, in particular through modeling their professional self-education activities. To this end, in the process of studying the discipline "Technologies of Mathematics Teaching", we propose that students perform educational and methodological tasks with the help of which they can engage in active methodological activities related to the search for information in various sources and the creation of their own developments on the use of digital didactic games in the process of teaching mathematics. The study found that in Ukraine, digital games in the process of teaching mathematics to secondary school students are still used sporadically, as there are practically no substantiated technologies or methods for their application. Prospects for further research are seen in the development of a methodological system for forming the readiness of future mathematics teachers to use digital didactic games in mathematics lessons.


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