Strategies of formative evaluation during mathematics training in grades 5-6 2024-08-05
- New Ukrainian School, formative assessment, age-specific characteristics of students, students' academic motivation, strategies of formative assessment
Copyright (c) 2024 Vitalii Zabranskyi

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Formative assessment is an essential element of modern educational practice. This article explores the essence of the concept of formative assessment and strategies for formative assessment during the teaching of mathematics to students in grades 5-6, offering recommendations for the use of formative assessment tools in the practical work of mathematics teachers. Scientific-methodological literature analysis and observation of the educational process, including the work of teachers and students' reactions, were used to obtain objective information about the effectiveness of teaching methods. Approaches to organizing the learning process, taking into account the age-specific development of students in grades 5-6, are proposed, which encourage active student participation in their own learning and contribute to the development of their cognitive and social skills, including group work. Strategies of formative assessment, such as reflection, self-assessment, and others, are analyzed, allowing for the involvement of students in this process and focusing on their individual needs. Considering the age-specific development of students in grades 5-6, specific tools, methodologies, and techniques are proposed, including group work, which help engage students in active learning activities and contribute to increasing motivation for learning mathematics during formative assessment and its impact on the quality of formation of mathematical competencies.
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